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Call for Speakers



Is your organization using confidential computing or privacy-preserving AI to safeguard your data? Come share your challenges, best practices and lessons learned with a community of peers and thought leaders.

Submit your talk today on the following topics - click to see highlights from last year's event:

  1. Use Cases - how your company is using confidential computing
  2. Innovation - a company product or technology innovation in confidential computing intended for use in production
  3. Research - exploratory research in confidential computing

The Confidential Computing Conference Program Committee will review all speaker submissions. The committee will select the highest-quality submissions. Anyone can submit their work for a presentation track, and the Program Committee will select the most relevant works to present.

You can add a co-presenter on the review page after you have entered your information and abstract. We allow up to two presenters per talk.

The Call for Speakers submission closes at 11:59 PM (Pacific Time) March 8, 2024.

Call For Papers

The CFP is now closed.